Links & Resources I’ve Found Useful
- Relativistic fluid and gravitational physics code SpECTRE
- Black hole perturbation toolkit ( EMRI Surrogate model)
- Quasi-normal modes of a spinning black hole
- Rebound N-body solver
- ROM-{py,spline,GW}
- Hybrid and Easy Discontinuous Galerkin Environment
- Davide Gerosa’s list of useful Python code
- Computing memory
- NRPy+
- GW catalogs: SXS, CoRe, RIT, GeorgiaTech
- Tools for working with the SXS waveform catalog (and additional documentation)
STEM Programs
- The ACCOMPLISH program at UMassD
- Kip Thorne’s gravitational wave course
- Online lectures/courses for numerical relativity: IAS, ICTS, ICTP, UC Dublin
- Data science educational materials for physics courses developed by Data Science Education Community of Practice (DSECOP) Fellows, DSECOP
- All Eastern Gravity Meetings (EGM)
- Capra 23
- 2nd GW openscience workshop
- 2016 Argonne Training Program on Extreme Scale Computing
Scientific Visualizations
- Gravitational wave app
- Black hole explorer
- Periodic Table of the Finite Elements
- Gravitational wave detections vs year
- Drawings by kids
Links to Conferences and Workshops I helped organize
- Simulating Extreme Spacetimes with SpEC and SpECTRE (8/5/2024 – 8/9/2024).
- 23rd Eastern Gravity Meeting (6/9/2023 – 6/10/2023)
- Advances in Computational Relativity: Fall 2020 Reunion Event (7/25/2022 – 8/12/2022). As part of this semester-long program, we ran an additional Numerical Relativity Community Summer School (Aug 8 – 12, 2022).
- Advances in Computational Relativity (ICERM; Fall 2020). As part of this semester-long program, we ran workshops on
- Advances and Challenges in Computational Relativity which included numerous computational tutorials,
- Mathematical and Computational Approaches for Solving the Source-Free Einstein Field Equations,
- Mathematical and Computational Approaches for the Einstein Field Equations with Matter Fields, and
- Statistical Methods for the Detection, Classification, and Inference of Relativistic Objects
- Topological data analysis and deep learning: theory and signal applications (ICIAM; 2019)
- 22nd Eastern Gravity Meeting (2019) and a public lecture by Rai Weiss
- APS New England 2018 Fall section meeting (2018)
- Workshop on Reduced Order Gravitational-Wave Modeling (2018) An exciting 3 day workshop Advances and Challenges in Computational General Relativity was held at Brown University. Many of the talks and posters are available for download. (2011)
- The 15th CAPRA meeting (2012) was held at UMD. Many of the talks are available here (and here ) The first workshop on Reduced Order Modeling in General Relativity (ROM-GR) was held at Caltech June 2013. The workshop brought together researchers from gravitation physics, numerical computing, and applied mathematics to foster interactions in an open environment of multi-disciplinary discussion and collaboration.
This website was created with Jekyll, and supports code syntax highlighting
and equations with LατϵχLατϵχ. I hope to use more of these features in the future.